1. A full refund, less $15, admin fee will be issued if a student quits the team within 2 weeks of the start date according to the Minnesota State High School League calendar of events.
2. Any student who has a season ending injury or illness during the season will be issued a refund as well as any individual not making the team roster by the following dates: a. Up to the team’s first public performance-Full refund, less $15 admin fee.
b. From team’s first performance up to midpoint- Half refund less, $15 admin fee.
c. Students participating past the team’s midpoint will not receive a refund.
3. Any student who begins the season with an injury must pay the registration fee in its entirety. In the event the injury prevents participation for half or more of the season, a pro-rated refund will be issued.
4. No refunds will be given without the verification, in writing, by the coach or the athletic trainer.
5. All refunds must be requested within 4 weeks or 28 calendar days of a student’s injury, leaving the team, or being cut from the team roster.